Please note that the exhibition has been extended by Hackney Historic Buildings Trust to Fri 24 April 2015, daily 12-5pm.
Please click here to view the artists' contributions.
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Sketchbooks and pencils will be available at all times and visitors are warmly invited to visit the exhibition to draw the tower anytime during the opening hours of the show.
Don't miss our accompanying workshops and events:
Perpetual Papercut Calendars
Saturday 11 April 2015, 2-4pm
by Caroline Misselbrook of Daff Workshops
13-99 years, £8 per person
This workshop is inspired by the clock and bell in Saint Augustine's Tower. Learn how to create a unique perpetual calendar that you can use year after year in your home or office. Learn how to design your own original typography and use simple paper cutting and collage techniques. All materials and tools are included.
Let's draw London!
Saturday 11 April 2015, 1-4pm
by Frank Creber, community artist at Bromley by Bow Community Centre
8-99 years, adults £5, children £3
The guided class will take place on the very roof of Saint Augustine's Tower from which we will draw the amazing views of London that this great vantage point provides. Basic materials are provided but please feel free to also bring your own. In case of rain, we will simply go inside the tower and draw its amazing interiors.
The Patron Saint
Tuesday 14 April 2015, 7-9pm
hosted by Katja Rosenberg
Free event
An evening of four short presentations, inspired by Saint Augustine of Hippo, the patron saint of printers, brewers, theologians and the alleviation of sore eyes.
Ray Gipson from the Bow community project "Where is My Boozer Gone?":
The rapid disappearance of local breweries and the effects it has on our social environment
Andy Simons, retired British Library Curator:
Zines & fanzines – free speech and print
Robin Pfaff, Chaplaincy Team Leader at Homerton Hospital:
Reflections on caring for our local multifaith community
The Alleviation of Sore Eyes
Angela Smith, Patient at Moorfields Eye Hospital:
My life with numerous visual impairments
and what modern medicine has been able to do for me
An Afternoon with Saint Augustine,
the Patron Saint of Brewers
Tuesday 14 April 2015, 2-4pm
hosted by the Ray Gipson and The Geezers
Free event
The Geezers have been carrying out the project "Where is My Boozer Gone?" in collaboration with artist Lucy Schofield and they are looking forward to exchanging observations about the rapid disappearance of pubs in the local area and its effect on the community.
I Dreamed I Saw Saint Augustine